Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Time to Start Over

I've got rock and roll buzzing in my ear like a hive of bees, but that's not what occupies my thoughts right now. The lose pieces banging around with pots and pans in the hollow spaces of my cerebellum are telling me that I think about me too much. I don't look out enough. Too often the lighthouse that has been permanently fixed to my head has been turned inwards in a desperate attempt to see what might be in there. But instead of illuminating what's inside, I've just been blinding myself. Yay, me. See, there it is again. Me, me, me.

I fail to notice the flowers growing out of a crack in the sidewalk, or the ants that have swarmed around them. Selfishness seems to equal nonobservance. Like those two blind dudes that seem to always be falling into holes in the Bible. Time to start turning the lights outside. Maybe I'll see where I'm standing, and where the ledge that I like to fall off of is.

The leaves are falling outside. Some of them are red, some yellow, a lot of them are still green. I didn't take any time to jump into them and listen to them crunch under my feet. I forgot that I'm a creature in a created world. That doesn't work. In Christ we live and breathe and have our being.

So... time to start being.

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