Thursday, October 10, 2013

Trolls vs. God

Every so often (and those 'often's seem to be increasing in number) I stumble upon an online article, or Youtube video; or sometimes watch a movie or run into a coworker, who announces with supreme conviction: "YOU ARE AN IDIOT! THERE IS NO GOD! GOD DOES NOT EXIST!" Phrases like this seem to be standbys of horror movies and disenfranchised Walmart employees.

It is, of course, natural to respond with a sort of visceral rage to such inane comments. But as goes the internet gospel:

"Don't feed the trolls."

But on a deeper level, it makes even less sense to respond with more vitriol and pissy-ness. Sure, giving into raw emotion without reason is bad. Yes, feeding the trolls is bad. But what is even more illogical is becoming angry at someone who is clearly insane. This just doesn't make sense.

Would you argue with a madman? Do you take a holiday to Arkham Asylum every autumn to engage the Joker in deep philosophic debate? No? Why?

Because he's crazy. But even more than that, he is incapable of seeing the world through your eyes, and is incapable of reasoning with you. He may very well declare that the sky is green and that all dogs like to climb trees, but it would make no sense whatsoever for you to be incensed by his rambling. If anything, you should feel pity for him... not rage.

The same is true of your coworkers and internet trolls. Feeding rage with rage will only result in bad work relations and flame-wars... not the spread of the gospel.

Remember: never wrestle with a pig... you only get dirty, and the pig learns nothing.

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