The strangest things can take you out of yourself. As humans, fallible and fallen, we often focus inward, looking for something to cling to. That thing may be good or bad (at least our perception of it seems so), but in reality it is usually bad. Introspection has a brother, his name is Selfishness.
Grocery shopping in a haze of numb stupidity, I notice a boy, small even from a 8 year-old's point of view, running around the snack section screaming. Following close behind is a man with the happiest and good natured of faces. He is yelling almost as loud as the boy.
I stop what I'm doing and just watch, a smile spreading across my face as I do so. A father and son, playing, rejoicing, completely oblivious to the shoppers surrounding them. If an attendant of the store had tried to interrupt them, I doubt that either of the two would have paid any attention what-so-ever.
Stop looking inside. Look out. Pay attention.
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