Tuesday, November 16, 2010


School is closed. This never happens in Moscow, ID... especially not to my school. The last time my school closed was the winter of 2007/2008 when 5 foot drifts piled up against the sides of the building. The only reason school was closed was because people couldn't get in. If the building had been accessible, and the roads complete trash school would have still been open. I am quite sure of this.

I left the UofI library at about 10PM last night, and the wind was starting to pick up. Gusts wiped across the bare sweeps of sidewalk and open spaces between the buildings. At the time I thought to myself: "oh, this is nice. It kind of reminds of of Winnie the Pooh and the blustery day." Oh, how little did I know.

By the time I had reached my apartment, the gusts were turning into rockets of air, shooting leaves off the trees like a cosmic leaf blower. I hurried inside and hunkered down in my room as my roommate played Call of Duty at full volume, drowning out the wind outside.

This lasted all to briefly, however. Soon the winds had picked up sticks and rocks as well as rain and hail and had decided to start buffeting the windows of our small apartment with them. This was made worse when my roommate STOPPED playing video games. I felt that at any moment the entire complex might fall over, either that or one of the trees come through the roof.

Plato being the furthest thing from my mind, I gave up on trying to write my Greek literature paper and tried to go to sleep. Yet another futile endeavor. The whole situation became much, much worse (at least in my mind) when at about 1AM I hear my roommate muse aloud: "wouldn't it be funny if the wind broke one of the windows."

I didn't get much sleep last night...

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