Love… love is the glue that holds the fabric of the universe together. It’s not like it’s a new concept. Even the evolutionists believe it… they can’t even create a world where love is not at its center; and every time they do they turn into psychopathic, mass-murdering lunatics.
One of my favorite TV shows of all time is Doctor Who. Super nerdy, I know, but my love of the show goes much deeper than its time traveling, sci-fi exterior. My love for the show stems from the warm beating hearts at its center; the fact that it is ultimately love, and love only that can conquer all the evils of the universe. The two most recent seasons, under the deft hand of Steven Moffat, demonstrate this perfectly.
From the way he writes the show, and from the things he simply presumes that the audience will take for granted, it is fairly easy to surmise that Moffat is an atheist. However, grace is common, even if belief in God is not, and Moffat cannot seem to help writing brilliant stories about fathers and sons and mothers and daughters and romantic couples and lovers who would sacrifice the entire universe for each other. Moffat seems to be a scientific wizard who is not only an atheist but a hopeless romantic.
I have often been criticized for the fact that I too am a hopeless romantic. It’s not logical, it’s not reasonable… but when I am loving someone or something other than myself… something outside of myself: that is when I am at my happiest. That is when I am most fulfilled. Even the atheists know this, and they cannot help but show it. Silly atheists.
On the flipside, there have been not times I have been lower than when I am filled with hate and rage. Those times when I suddenly think that I am the most important thing in the universe and that everyone should bow to my wishes and my wishes alone… that is when I feel most truly alone. That is when I am left with nothing but myself, and I realize that that is the very last person in the world I would want to be left alone with.
Alone, selfish and consumed with greed, humans destroy each other. War comes not from man being a true island, but from his myopic desire for what he thinks will make him happy at the expense of all others. Pain and suffering come from man THINKING that he is alone in the universe and that he is… God.
“God is not watching… for I am god.” The most dangerous thing in the universe that can be uttered… and yet we say it every day.
Question: Is God reasonable and logical and normal?
Answer: No… He decided to create an entire reality just to please Himself because he wanted more things to interact with. He was the very first being to ever think to Himself: “you know what we need? A really epic story.” And then he told one.
Question: Is God an island?
Answer: No. From the beginning of time and space… since BEFORE the dawn of time and space, He has been always and forever interacting with Himself. For He is three. And He is one. He is triune. And yes, that is mad. Completely daft and mad and insane. And that mad, daft, insane, loving, passionate, incredible being decided to tell a story with us in it. Not only that… but He decided to make us like Him.
Beings who love.
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